Friday, May 31, 2019

The Liberal Backbone of America :: essays research papers

The Liberal Backbone of AmericaWithin the framework of democratic capitalism, the American Constitution and government structure project a fundamentally imperfect backbone. Viewed as a social contract, the relationship between the responsibility and the individual is expressed in the Constitution which dictates the liberal value intrinsically woven into American history. Combined with the Bill of Rights, the Constitution holds the representative government accountable for its actions and sets finite limits on the power it wields over the individual. A capitalist society such as that of the United States uses taxation and wealth distribution as a tool for controlling social equality, an unavoidable hypocrisy of liberal values in a democratic welfare state. Classical liberal values that hold the individuals rights as paramount have been modernize to accommodate a mildly paternalistic social welfare system. Classical liberalism suggests that the state and society can be viewed as a n immense social contract. In a liberal democratic country such as America, the arrangement is the fundamental part of that social contract it is a contract between the state and the civil society. The American constitution is a guide to legislation and its interpretation. An essentially liberal contract, the constitution binds not only the government, but also the hoi polloi. Through the constitution, the people collectively commit to certain institutional procedures for managing customary affairs and resolving social conflicts. The constitution not only limits the arbitrary power of the government, it also prevents public administration from being poisoned by peoples short-term tempers and passions. Through the constitution, the people collectively commit to certain checks against those capricious human sentiments. A central liberal teaching which the American constitution serves, is to limit and separate governmental power. The classically liberal distrust of majoritarian tyr anny has continued into present-day American politics through its map in the Constitution. In a liberal constitutional system, there is an important difference between the constitution and ordinary laws. While ordinary laws can be modified or repealed to protect civil liberties by the national legislature, or be declared illegal or unconstitutional by the process of judicial review (Burns et al, 1993, p.21), the national legislature usually has no unilateral power to modify or repeal the constitution, and the judiciary has no power to declare the constitution illegal. For example, in the United States, the constitution can only be modified after the legislatures (or constitutional conventions) of two-thirds of the states approve, or by a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress, followed by ratification from three-quarters of the states or their ratification conventions (Burns et al, 1993, p.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Conquoring of Othello in Shakespeares Story :: essays research papers

When we first meet Othello in Venice as he relievely responds to the passionate accusations of Brabantio he is, indeed, self-respectful and virtuous. Once Iago begins so to weave his sinister web, however, the worthy general changes quickly with the poison, and he does seem ill equipped to deal with the evil plan. soon enough it is perplexing that it is Othello goodness which explains his destruction. To understand what happens to him, rather, we need to consider his nine years on the tentered field and his lack of experience with women and men beyond that. His experience is compound by the insecurity he feels as a Moor in a racist society of Venice, and when confronted with the cunning and unmitigated evil of Iago, he is considerably conquered.The calm dignity of Othello on his first appearance contrasts with what Iago and Brabantio have said about him in deed of conveyance 1, Scene 1 (Roderigo and Iago telling Brabantio of Desdemona and Othello getting married). Othello is set about with an exceptionally rude, infuriated Brabantio. Othellos response, keep your bright swords for the dew will rust them, exhibits his calm authority, rather than his supposes tendency to self dramatization. Othello is a valuable and reliable pass in the Venetian army. When Cyprus is threatened by the Turks, Othello is ordered to go to the battle. This shows that he is deeply trusted by the Venetians and he proves him self time and time once again to be a priceless soldier.As we watch Othello rapidly sink into Iagos trap, he becomes an irate, insecure, callous and irrational man. He no longer speaks and behaves sagaciously. He is like a shot brutal, vindictive, and violent. He never really sees his own role in the tragedy, he sees him self as an honourable soldier. Iago succeeds in making Othello believe his faithful married woman is having an affair with his lieutenant, Cassio, a belief that leads Othello to killing his Desdemona and later himself when he realises th at he was wrongly and merely tricked by Iago. Although Othello does stab Iago, Iago lives. Iago uses him cunningness to destroy Othello. At the scratch line of Act 3, Scene 3, Othello is perfectly happy with his marriage, and at the end of the play, he is planing to murder Desdemona and Cassio.To some extent it is Othellos own nature and background, however which is respect for the excuse with which Iago ruined him.The Conquoring of Othello in Shakespeares Story essays research papersWhen we first meet Othello in Venice as he calmly responds to the passionate accusations of Brabantio he is, indeed, dignified and virtuous. Once Iago begins so to weave his sinister web, however, the worthy general changes quickly with the poison, and he does seem ill equipped to deal with the evil plan. Yet it is doubtful that it is Othello goodness which explains his destruction. To understand what happens to him, rather, we need to consider his nine years on the tentered field and his lack of experience with women and men beyond that. His experience is compounded by the insecurity he feels as a Moor in a racist society of Venice, and when confronted with the cunning and unmitigated evil of Iago, he is easily conquered.The calm dignity of Othello on his first appearance contrasts with what Iago and Brabantio have said about him in Act 1, Scene 1 (Roderigo and Iago telling Brabantio of Desdemona and Othello getting married). Othello is faced with an exceptionally rude, infuriated Brabantio. Othellos response, keep your bright swords for the dew will rust them, exhibits his calm authority, rather than his supposes tendency to self dramatization. Othello is a valuable and reliable soldier in the Venetian army. When Cyprus is threatened by the Turks, Othello is ordered to go to the battle. This shows that he is deeply trusted by the Venetians and he proves him self time and time again to be a priceless soldier.As we watch Othello rapidly sink into Iagos trap, he becomes an irate, insecure, callous and irrational man. He no longer speaks and behaves sagaciously. He is now brutal, vindictive, and violent. He never really sees his own role in the tragedy, he sees him self as an honourable soldier. Iago succeeds in making Othello believe his loyal wife is having an affair with his lieutenant, Cassio, a belief that leads Othello to killing his Desdemona and later himself when he realises that he was wrongly and merely tricked by Iago. Although Othello does stab Iago, Iago lives. Iago uses him cunningness to destroy Othello. At the beginning of Act 3, Scene 3, Othello is perfectly happy with his marriage, and at the end of the play, he is planing to murder Desdemona and Cassio.To some extent it is Othellos own nature and background, however which is respected for the ease with which Iago ruined him.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Thomas Edison Essay example -- History Biography

I decided to do my report on Thomas Alva Edison because he brought a lot of things into our world. He invented the light bulb, the alkaline battery, the phonograph, and some(prenominal) other things. Many of our modern electronics origins came from Thomas A. Edison. I thought he was truly interesting. That is why I chose him.Thomas Alva Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, on February 11, 1847, and lived with his ticker class parents, Samuel Edison (his father) and Nancy Edison (his go). Surprisingly, the young boy did not even talk until he was four years old. In 1854, at age seven, Tom and his parents moved to embrasure Huron, Michigan. There, near the beginning of the year in a noisy schoolhouse with 38 other kids, his teacher lost his patience with Toms behavior and endless questions. So, his mother pulled him out of school and home taught him very well, for she used to be a teacher. But, Toms parents were not educated enough to home teach Tom, for his growing interest in things d ealing with physics found his parents stumped. Luckily, his parents had enough money to hire a tutor. By age twelve, he had persuaded his parents to let him sell snacks and newspaper on the railroad. By age fourteen, he had published his first newspaper called the Weekly Herald. At its high point, Tom sold 400 copies per daytime and was getting $10 per day (which was a lot back then). Because of the newspaper, he now had enough money to focus more on experiments. Tom now had one lab in the basement of his home and kept things for experiments in his locker on the train. One day, while crossing a bumpy section of the track, the train jerked, letting a chemical from Toms experiment fall on the floor and set fire to the train. The conductor was so mad he hit... ...three more children. When Thomas grew older, so did his deafness. myna bird told Tom what people were saying by tapping the words on his knee in Morse code. All in all, Thomas Edison was not a very good father because he wa s busy all the time. However, this busyness and hard work changed our lives with his many inventions. One of his famous quotes describes his attitude, Invention is one percent stirring and ninety-nine percent perspiration. Thomas Edison died on October 18, 1931 in West Orange, New Jersey. At his funeral, these words were spoken, Picture an electric-lightless, an electric-powerless, a telephoneless, a motion-pictureless, a phonographless world, and a shady realization of his greatness dawns upon us. BibliographyKevles, D., Keysarr A., Maier P., & Smith, M. (2002) A History of the United States Inventing America. New York W.W. Norton.

How Descartes Tries to Extricate Himself from the Skeptical Doubts He H

How Descartes Tries to Extricate Himself from the Skeptical Doubts He Has RaisedAll page references and quotations from the Meditations are taken from the 1995 Everyman edition In the Meditations, Descartes embarks upon what Bernard Williams has called the project of Pure Enquiry to snatch certain, indubitable foundations for knowledge. By subjecting everything to doubt Descartes hoped to discover whatever was immune to it. In order to best understand how and why Descartes builds his epistemological system up from his foundations in the sort that he does, it is helpful to gain an understanding of the intellectual background of the 17th century that provided the motivation for his work. We can discern three distinct influences on Descartes, three conflicting world-views that fought for prominence in his day. The first was what remained of the mediaeval scholastic philosophy, more often than not based on Aristotelian science and Christian theology. Descartes had been taught accordin g to this brain during his time at the Jesuit college La Flech_ and it had an important influence on his work, as we shall see later. The second was the scepticism that had made a sudden conflict on the intellectual world, mainly as a reaction to the scholastic outlook. This scepticism was strongly influenced by the work of the Pyrrhonians as handed down from antiquity by Sextus Empiricus, which claimed that, as there is never a reason to believe p that is better than a reason not to believe p, we should forget close to trying to discover the personality of reality and live by appearance alone. This attitude was best exemplified in the work of Michel de Montaigne, who mockingly dismissed the attempts of theologians and scientists to understand the nature of God and the universe respectively. Descartes felt the force of sceptical arguments and, while not being sceptically disposed himself, came to believe that scepticism towards knowledge was the best way to discover what is cer tain by applying sceptical doubt to all our beliefs, we can discover which of them are indubitable, and thus form an adequate foundation for knowledge. The third world-view resulted largely from the work of the new scientists Galileo, Copernicus, Bacon et al. Science had finally begun to assert itself and shake off its dated Aristotelian pr... ...dged by us as a failure - the particular that he addressed topics of great and lasting interest, and provided us with a method we can both understand and utilise fruitfully, speaks for itself. Bibliography 1. Descartes, Ren_ A Discourse on Method, Meditations and Principles of philosophical system trans. John Veitch. The Everymans Library, 1995. Descartes, Ren_ The Philosophical Writings of Descartes volume I and II ed. and trans. John Cottingham, R. Stoothoff and D. Murdoch. Cambridge, 1985. Frankfurt, Harry Demons, Dreamers and Madmen. Bobbs-Merrill, 1970. Curley, Edwin Descartes Against the Skeptics. Oxford, 1978. Vesey, Godfrey Desca rtes Father of Modern Philosophy. Open University Press, 1971. Sorrell, Tom Descartes Reason and Experience. Open University Press, 1982. The Oxford go with to Philosophy ed. Ted Honderich. Oxford University Press, 1985. Cottingham, John Descartes. Oxford, 1986. Williams, Bernard Descartes The Project of Pure Enquiry. Harmondsworth, 1978. Russell, Bertrand The History of Western Philosophy. George Allen and Unwin, 1961. 11. Kripke, Saul Naming and Necessity. Oxford 1980. Word Count 4577

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Student-Centered Learning :: Education Teaching Papers

Student-Centered Learning Recently, the buzzword for school wide educational reform is student-centered learning. My last year teaching, the administration threw virtually this term, yet no in-services were in place on this subject in order to accomplish the goal. Even Atlanta Public Schools strategic technology plan uses the common student-centered learning phrase, Teachers give move from mentor in the center to guide on the side. However, very few teachers actually use this border on in their classrooms. One example of an superior student-centered learning activity was Biomes in a Box. A colleague of mine used this project, her students work in teams to research and create a biome of a especial(a) climate of their choosing. I observed students using various forms of media including the Internet and CD-ROM resources to research their particular biome. They constructed the climate conditions of that biome using various raw materials at their disposal. In the end, they presen ted their biome to the class with an oral discussion of the climatic elements involved with that biome. The students were so proud and so actively involved in their learning. It was a great success. I am sure that Biomes in a Box entrust be one lesson those students learned in that school. Even though some teachers use this new approach successfully in their class, my concern is that not all of the teachers can or even know how to change from the mentor in the center to guide on the side. Has the school arrangings come up with way to change the mindsets of these teachers and show them how to make their classrooms active learning environments? No, they are just content to throw the phrase around without determining how to bring about student-centered learning in the classrooms. So what is Student centered learning? Is it the cure all for the ailing public education system? What tools need to be in place in order to facilitate a student-centered learning environment? What kind o f in-service or extra training will be necessary in order to foster the student-centered classroom? In this paper, I will define student-centered learning, explain the key attributes to this type of learning process, and secern the tools that will facilitate its growth.From Mentor in the Center to Guide on the Side Students should be presented with real life problems and then helped to discover information necessitate to solve them John Dewey

Student-Centered Learning :: Education Teaching Papers

Student-Centered Learning Recently, the buzzword for school wide educational sort out is student- touch learning. My last year teaching, the administration threw around this term, yet no in-services were in place on this subject in order to accomplish the goal. Even capital of Georgia Public Schools strategic technology plan uses the common student-centered learning phrase, Teachers will move from mentor in the center to guide on the side. However, very some teachers actually use this approach in their classrooms. One example of an excellent student-centered learning activity was Biomes in a Box. A colleague of mine utilise this project, her students work in teams to seek and create a biome of a particular climate of their choosing. I observed students using various forms of media including the Internet and CD-ROM resources to research their particular biome. They constructed the climate conditions of that biome using various raw materials at their disposal. In the end, they presented their biome to the class with an oral discussion of the climatic elements involved with that biome. The students were so proud and so participatingly involved in their learning. It was a great success. I am sure that Biomes in a Box will be one lesson those students wise(p) in that school. Even though some teachers use this new approach successfully in their class, my concern is that not all of the teachers can or take down know how to change from the mentor in the center to guide on the side. Has the school systems come up with way to change the mindsets of these teachers and show them how to make their classrooms active learning environments? No, they are just content to throw the phrase around without determining how to bring about student-centered learning in the classrooms. So what is Student centered learning? Is it the cure all for the ailing public education system? What tools need to be in place in order to facilitate a student-centered learning environmen t? What kind of in-service or extra training will be necessary in order to foster the student-centered classroom? In this paper, I will define student-centered learning, explain the key attributes to this type of learning process, and identify the tools that will facilitate its growth.From Mentor in the Center to Guide on the side of meat Students should be presented with real life problems and then helped to discover information required to solve them John Dewey

Monday, May 27, 2019

Organizational Development Final Project

In preparing his paper, you provide examine how the theories and models presented In this course, as well as In the literature, tooshie be utilized to support and facilitate a blueprintned change effort. Your focus can be within a particular governing bodyal view of your choice, or an industry, or a type of organizations in general (for example, non-profit, civic, for- profit). The focus could be on a specific organizational change, for example, enhancing creativity and innovation. The action plan should be written as a serious proposal to executive management about a specific planned change effort. Discuss the side by side(p) elements in your proposal.As you will see, you will need to have a working knowledge of this challenge, either from literature or company documents or your own observations. 2 Introduction. abbreviated description of the current organizational challenge. This proposal is from your perspective, as you have not yet engaged others in this process. That said , show the challenge from your perspective and describe your role as related to the challenge. Current State. Description of current state to Include o What has been d maven to correct or address the challenge? O What is the urgency to meet this challenge? O What are the consequences of not changing?Desired Future State. Description of the desired state you wish to see in terms of this current challenge to include the following elements. Keep in mind that this is still from your perspective, as you have not yet engaged others in the DO process. Please note that if you have engaged others in this discussion, such as the manager of the department, address that in the paper. O What is the ideal state of the organization in terms of this current challenge? O What behaviors will organizational members demonstrate? O What behaviors will organizational leaders demonstrate? O What will the changed organization feel like (culture)?What value will this planned change effort add to the organi zation? Action Plan. Steps you (and others) will take to shake off the desired state a reality. O heighten Team Who needs to be involved in this process to ensure its success? O Brief discussion of alignment of this proposed change with organization development values and assumptions. O Describe an overall approach (strategy) for creating and implementing the change, such as Action Research, Organization Change Process. O Describe a minimum of three methods or tools you will use to assess and facilitate this planned change effort (embedded within your strategy).Describe challenges and barriers you auspicate and how you will address them. This could include organizational readiness for change, stocked resistance to change, organizational leadership. Benefits. Description of benefits of this proposal. O List 3 5 specific results you expect from successful implementation of the plan. Option 1 for Signature Assignment 61 5 Organization Development and Change Master Syllabus rev 01 . 13. 12 page 7 o Link back to consequences of not changing. O Describe success measures that will be used (evaluation). First Step. Summarize with one specific first step.You will draw from multiple sources (minimum 5) including Journal articles, books, and professional references such as associations and websites (this will help place your proposal within the example of what others have done to address the challenge. ) You may also draw from class discussions and activities, as well as your own experience within organizational settings. discover for ways to integrate organization development with other leadership theories and concepts discussed in organizational leadership (drawing from other OLL, HRS, HA courses and/or 613 Dynamics of Organization Behavior). foliate 8

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Wuthering Heights Reading Log

Alex Plager Britten Wuthering Heights Assignment Round 2 Reading Log The twain men in Catherines manner represent nonp aril of many sets of doubles inside the novel. Both of these men contrast champion a nonher, and fight for power, influence, love and wariness in her feel. Because both Edgar and Heathcliff both represent contrasting forces in the novel, they are unable to work together or act amiably towards one another. The mark of each one is to remove the other from Cathys life. After Catherines death, Heathcliff attempts to sneakily remove the lock of Edgars hair enclosed in the locket ab go forth her neck and replace it with his own.In opening the trinket, and casting out its contents, (145) Heathcliff believes that he has won this battle with Edgar. Symbolically, this action represents Heathcliff casting Edgar out of Catherines life and heart, and filling the space with himself. Heathcliff walks out of the room believing that Catherines body will be put to rest with onl y his lock of hair on her, subject matter that he will be with her for the remainder of her physical existence on this world. However, Nelly locomote in and intertwines Edgars hair with Heathcliffs.Both Edgar and Heathcliff live their lives believing that Catherine is holding a lock of only their own hair in her coffin, ventureing that they are the only one who will be with her in death. However, Nellys actions represent the fact that despite the two mens efforts of trying to win Catherine to themselves wholly, even in death, that Catherine holds both of them in her heart, and that incomplete one cannot be completely cast out. As Catherine is discussing the nature of her love for both Edgar and Heathcliff, she reveals a doubling within her personality.She places, Nelly, I am Heathcliff, (70) and continues on to say that any separation between them is impracticable. This revelation reveals a lot regarding their relationship, and how the two of them seem inseparable throughout t he novel. It explains why Catherine allows Heathcliff to repeatedly come back into her life even though the sheer mention of his name perturbs Edgars composure. The double that is Catherine/Heathcliff explains why Heathcliff is constantly a part of Catherines life.For Catherine, Heathcliff is less of a separate person, a unalike entity, but to a greater extent of a projection of her personality. Heathcliff represents the wild, naturalistic aspect of her personality, which has been suppressed by her change into a civil, upper-class person. As such, this suppressed personality returns in waves, exhibited both in her fits, and Heathcliffs unrelenting visits, refusing to be put out like the fire Edgar regards it to be. The reoccurring theme of doubles is at its strongest within chapter 15 as Lockwood begins narrating the explanation to the reader from Nellys perspective.To clarify, the events have already been recounted to Lockwood through Nelly, and now he is narrating the story afte r she has told it to him, through her perspective, She is, on the whole, a very fair narrator, and I dont think I could improve her style (134). Needless to say, the reader is experiencing the story not secondhand, but thirdhand. Also, Nelly has already been revealed to be an unreliable narrator, as well as Lockwood. corporate trust the two is accepted to have a profound effect on the story itself. The register of the story has already had a note of gossip nearly it, especially since Nelly called herself as a gossip (53).Now the he said she said essence of the story takes its strongest form, as we, the readers, are hearing about it through the grapevine. Bronte uses this doubling of narration to emphasize the removal of the reader from the events in the story. The shadow of doubt the novel has been shrouded in is now a level deeper and darker than it has been up to this period of time in the novel. Nellys slanted narration of events, whose memory is blurred by fourth dimensio n, is now coupled with Lockwoods own character flaws of misjudging characters and is subjected to his own bias as he recounts the already recounted tale.Within the novel, the relationships between servants and know are anything but traditional ones. One would expect a servant to respect their master, and keep their tongue in check, however Nelly Dean seems exempt from these expectations, make the reader to question who is the true master and servant within the household. On page 102, Catherine rang the bell till is broke with a twang, however, rather than rushing in as most servants should given the franticness of the bell ringing, Nelly enters leisurely. This singular event provides a plethora of insight into the relationship between master and servant.The reader is able to get laid that, since it is Nelly recounting the story, she would have no knowledge of the events happening in the room prior to her calling unless she was not already within earshot. Therefore, Nelly already knows the nature of the brush going on between Edgar and Nelly, and how it is of importance. Yet still, Nelly leisurely enters the room, flaunting her knowledge that Catherine postulate her on a level beyond that of which a master typically needs a servant, and alike spiting her by deliberately taking longer to arrive.However, during her narration of this scene, the reader can see building sensation within Nelly just within the paragraph this quote is taken from. It is clear that Nellys temper of a saint is strung tight by Catherines senseless, wicked rages (102) And as a result of this emotion that she is not entirely able to control, Nellys narration of this particular scene may be more unreliable than usual, as she might be tempted to exaggerate Catherines sort in order to justify her anger with her to Lockwood more, so that he may agree with her, or so that she may feel that he does.Diction Log 1 Will you say, cardinal years hence, Thats the grave of Catherine Earnshaw. I loved her long ago (137) Synonyms Linton Catherines choice of calling herself Linton reveals much about how she views herself in terms of her indistinguishability. During her time as Catherine Earnshaw, Cathy identifies herself as being Heathcliffs lover, but after her marriage to Edgar, her public identity changes to Catherine Linton, signifying her position as Edgars lover.Telling Heathcliff that her grave will be that of Catherine Earnshaw is telling Heathcliff that she rejects her identity of Catherine Linton, and that she will be his in death, as she should have been in life. The continued musing on her death in this scene foreshadows her impending death, and this line serves to both comfort Heathcliff, and also ignite further heartbreak in regards to her death as Heathcliff both derives pleasure and anguish knowing that Catherine was his, yet was never with her. 2 while her cheeks, at once blanched and livid, assumed the aspect of death.Linton looked terrified. Synonyms Edg ar, her husband In referring to Edgar as Linton, there would normally be ambiguity in doing so because, technically, Catherine is also Linton. But addressing him as solely Linton reflects both Edgars feelings of her not being his anymore and signifies the distance that he feels is growing between the two of them. The reader also knows that Bronte is referring to Edgar because the reader understands that Catherine is not truly a Linton, and not entirely Edgars.Brontes word choice symbolizes a growing emotional distance between Edgar and Catherine, terrifying Edgar not only for the sake of her safety, but also for their relationship. Since Brontes word choice reflects Nellys disposition, it is also made cognise to the reader that Nelly sees this growing distance, and development of Catherines character. 3 Thought I hate him as much as ever, he did me a good turn a short time ago that will make my moral sense tender of intermission his neck. (75) Synonyms fond, delicateOf the possi ble synonyms that could replace the word tender in this context, tender conveys the meaning of what Edgar is saying best. Edgar is saying to Catherine that despite his anger towards Heathcliff, he is refraining from retaliating violently because his conscience prevents him from doing so because he feels that he owes Heathcliff a favor. The word tender, while typically used to describe something fragile that tends to break, is effective because it contrasts sharply with the action of breaking his neck. 4 In fact, that his health and strength were being sacrificed to preserve a mere ruin of humanity, he know no limits in gratitude and joy when Catherines life was declared out of danger and hour after hour her would sit beside her, tracing the gradual return to bodily health, and flattering his too optimistic hopes with the partiality that her mind would settle back to its right balance also, and she would soon be entirely herself. (115) Synonyms happy, optimisticIf one of the list ed synonyms were used in lieu of sanguine the only meaning to the sentence would be the implication and foreshadowing made by Nelly that Edgar had his hopes too high, and that Catherine would never truly return to health. However, the use of sanguine adds a certain connotation to the quotation. While sanguine has no direct link to blood, through definition or synonymously, the root of it is linked to blood. Brontes use of this word in particular serves five-fold purposes.The first further emphasizes how high Edgars hopes are for Catherines healing. They are so strong they can be smelt, and tasted and have substance to them, the qualities of which are all likened to blood. Also, describing these hopes as sanguine serves to illustrate to the reader how much effort Edgar has put into helping Catherine, conveying that he has almost literally put blood, sweat, and tears into their relationship and her well-being. 5 Ah you are come, are you, Edgar Linton? she said, with angry animation. (110) Synonyms liveliness, fervor This quote is taken from a scene in which Catherine is having one of her frequent fits. The verb animate is traditionally used to describe an non-living object coming into motion. During her fits, Catherine is often likened to an inanimate object due to her habit of fainting, or becoming immobile. During this particular one, she had been relatively stoic, limp, and puppet like, as she had been starving herself and have the appearance _or_ semblanceed worn (110).As such, the use of the word animation most properly fits the prior depictions of her within the scene as it fits the theme of her descriptions. 6 Isabella and he had had an hours interview, during which he tried to molest from her some idea of proper horror for Heathcliffs advances but he could make nothing of her evasive replies, and was obliged to close the examination unsatisfactorily, adding, however, that if she were so insane as to encourage that queasy suitor, it would dissolve all bonds of relationship between herself and him. (103) Synonyms conversation, audience, exchange The use of the word interview enhances the meaning of the quote in that it provides a certain depiction of the exchange between Edgar and Isabella. Brontes choice of the word interview conveys that it was not an amicable, two-sided conversation. While the interaction may not quite have been an interrogation, it was more aggressive than a mutual conversation would have been, as Edgar was obviously distressed regarding Heathcliffs relationship with her. Isabella and he had had an hours interview, during which he tried to elicit from her some sentiment of proper horror for Heathcliffs advances but he could make nothing of her evasive replies, and was obliged to close the examination unsatisfactorily, adding, however, that if she were so insane as to encourage that worthless suitor, it would dissolve all bonds of relationship between herself and him. (103) Synonyms inquiry, interrogation Continuing from the same quote as above, Nelly continues to reveal the nature of the exchange between Isabella and Edgar.Choosing to regard it as an examination furthers the imagery of an uncomfortable interaction between siblings. The use of the word examination is more effective than inquiry or interrogation would be because of the tone that Bronte gives the nature of the conversation between them. Edgar is not an overly aggressive individual, and to interrogate his sister would be out of character for him. However, an examination suits Edgars passivity because it conjures an image of a jealous lover trying to elicit information from their significant other, which is much like what Edgar is trying to do. 8 Cheer up, you shant be hurtYour type is not a lamb, its a sucking leveret. (99) Synonyms mouse, turtle I opted not to choose direct synonyms for leveret, which are rabbit, and hare, because these words do not change the nature of Catherines insult. Brontes choice of words here is likely due in large part to colloquialism of the time. However, the nature of Catherines insult is rooted more in the fact that she is belittling Edgar as having the courage of a small animal more prone to flight, rather than to fight. Catherine chooses to call Edgar a leveret because of his predisposition to avoid and run from conflict, rather han to face it directly. A turtle retreats into its shell, whereas a rabbit will tuck its tail and run, exactly like Catherine is accusing Edgar of doing in this quote. This insult is particularly effect because Catherine is calling Edgars mankind into question, which is not only uncharacteristic of a woman of the time, but she is also doing so in front of Heathcliff, effectively making a direct contest to Edgar on both her and Heathcliffs behalf. Literary Criticism Will you forget mewill you be happy when I am in the earth? Will you say, twenty years hence, Thats the grave of Catherine Earnshaw.I loved her long ago, and was wretched to lose her but it is past. (137) The goal of psychoanalysis is to interpret a characters (un)conscious desires by identifying Freudian concepts. An example of one of these such concepts is a Freudian slip, and one lies within the quote. Consciously or not, Catherine has called herself Catherine Earnshaw, despite her status as Edgars wife, making her both legally and socially known as Catherine Linton. However, she has revealed in this Freudian slip that she does not emotionally identify herself as Catherine Linton, but as an Earnshaw.This is important because much of the conflict up to this point has stemmed from Heathcliffs anger at Edgar taking Catherine from him, and in his struggle to win her back from him. Within this quote, Catherine subtly tells Heathcliff that she will die Catherine Earnshaw, meaning that she is rejecting the Linton name, thus at long last meaning that emotionally, she is Heathcliffs. Well, if I cannot keep Heathcliff for my friend, if Edgar will be mean an d jealous, Ill try to break their hearts by breaking my own.That will be a proceed way of finishing all, when I am pushed to extremity (101) Within this scene, Catherine is venting to Nelly regarding her feelings regarding the conflict between Heathcliff and Edgar. In the quote, it is visible that Catherine is exhausted by their constant fighting, and the doorbell that it has been taking on her. Out of context, the claim the Catherine makes concerning her ability to break their hearts seems conceited, however, from a feminist perspective, this statement is substantial.For a novel written in this time, it would be rather uncommon for a woman to be depicted as having power over a man, much less two of them. While Catherine does appear to be selfish, and conceited in this quote, she is depicted as essentially having control over the two men, in that she has the ability to finish all, establishing the force that Catherine is able to exert in both of the relationships. In relation to the meaning of the work as a whole, this quote associates the ideas of emotional exile and acceptance. 33 Revenge consumes wholly disorder prevents transcendence

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Haptic Technology Essay

tactual is the science of applying tactile sensation to valet de chambre action with reckoners. The sensation of impinging is the brains some effective learning mechanism much effective than seeing or hearing which is why the vernal engineering science holds so much promise as a teaching tool. With this technology we dissolve now sit down at a computer terminal and citeing objects that exists on mind of the computer. By using limited input/output devices (joysticks, data gloves or other devices),substance abusers rump receive feedback from computer applications in the form of felt sensations in the slew or other contri andions of the body. In combination with a optic display, Haptic technology can be use to train people for occupations requiring hand- oculus coordinatio , such as surgery and spaceship maneuvers. In our paper we surrender discussed the basic concepts behind tactuals along with the tactual devices and how these devices are interacted to produce sup erstar of play and advertises feedback mechanisms. Then, we move on to a few applications of Haptic Technology. Finally we conclude by mentioning a few future developments.IntroductionHaptic technology, or tactiles, is a tactile feedback technology which takes favour of the sense of touch by applying forces, palpitations or motions to the user.This mechanical stimulation can be used to assist in the creation of virtual objects in a computer color, to control such virtual objects, and to enhance the remote control of machines and devices (telerobotics). It has been described as doing for the sense of touch what computer graphics does for vision. Haptic devices may incorporate tactile sensors that notice forces exerted by the user on the interface. Haptic technology has do it mathematical to investigate how the human sense of touch works by allowing the creation of carefully controlled haptic virtual objects. These objects are used to trunkatically probe human haptic capabi lities, which would other than be heavy to achieve. These research tools contri thoe to the understanding of how touch and its underlying brain functions work. The word haptic, from the Greek (haptikos), means pertaining to the sense of touch and comes from the Greek verb haptesthai, meaning to contact or to touch.WHAT IS HAPTICSHaptics is Quite Literally The Science of Touch.The origin of the word haptics is the Greek haptikos, meaning suitable to grasp or perceive. Haptic sensations are created in consumer devices by actuators, or motors, which create a vibration. Those vibrations are managed and controlled by embedded software program, and integrated into device user interfaces and applications via the embedded control software APIs. Youve probably experienced haptics in many of the consumer devices that you use e really day. The rumble effect in your console game controller and the reassuring touch vibration you receive on your smartphone dial pad are both examples of hapti c effects. In the world of mobile devices, computers, consumer electronics, and digital devices and controls, meaningful haptic information is much limited or missing.For example, when dialing a number or entering text on a conventional touch harbor without haptics, users have no sense of whether theyve successfully established a task.With Immersions haptic technology, users look the vibrating force or resistance as they push a virtual button, scroll by means of a list or encounter the end of a menu. In a telecasting or mobile game with haptics, users can have the gun recoil, the engine rev, or the crack of the bat meeting the ball. When simulating the placement of cardiac pacing leads, a user can feel the forces that would be encountered when navigating the leads by a trouncing heart, providing a more realistic experience of performing this procedure. Haptics can enhance the user experience through* Improved Usability By restoring the sense of touch to otherwise flat, col d come alongs, haptics creates fulfilling multi-modal experiences that improve usability by engaging touch, sight and sound. From the confidence a user receives through touch confirmation when selecting a virtual button to the contextual awareness they receive through haptics in a first person shooter game, haptics improves usability by more fully engaging the users senses. * enhance Realism Haptics injects a sense of realism into user experiences by exciting the senses and allowing the user to feel the action and nuance of the application.This is particularly relevant in applications homogeneous games or simulation that rely on yet visual and audio inputs. The inclusion of tactile feedback provides additional context that translates into a sense of realism for the user. * takings of Mechanical Feel Todays touchscreen-driven devices lack the personal feedback that humans frequently need to fully understand the context of their interactions. By providing users with intuitive an d patent tactile confirmation, haptics can create a more confident user experience and can also improve safety by overcoming distractions. This is especially Copernican when audio or visual confirmation is insufficient, such as industrial applications, or applications that involve distractions, such as automotive navigation.HISTORY OF HAPTICSIn the too soon 20th century, psychophysicists introduced the word haptic to label the subfield of their studies that addressed human touch-based perception and manipulation. In the 1970s and 1980s, significant research efforts in a completely divers(prenominal) field,robotics also began to focus on manipulation and perception by touch. Initiallyconcerned with building autonomous robots, researchers soon found that building adexterous robotic hand was much more daedal and subtle than their initial naive hopeshad suggested. In time these devil communities, one that sought to understand the human hand and one that aspired to create devices w ith dexterity shake up by human abilities found fertile mutual interest in topics such as stunning design and processing, grasp control andmanipulation, object threadbare and haptic information encoding, and grammars for describing physical tasks. In the early 1990s a new usage of the word haptics began to emerge. The confluence of several emerging technologies made virtualized haptics, or computer haptics possible. Much equivalent computer graphics, computer haptics enables the display of beard objectsto humans in an interactive manner. However, computer haptics uses a display technology through which objects can be physically palpated.Basic system configuration.Basically a haptic system consist of two parts namely the human part and the machine part. In the figure shown above, the human part (left) senses and controls the position of the hand, charm the machine part (right) exerts forces from the hand to simulate contact with a virtual object. too both the systems give be provided with necessary sensors, processors and actuators. In the case of the human system, nerve receptors performs sensing, brain performs processing and m-uscles performs actuation of the motion performed by the hand piece of music in the case of the machine system, the above mentioned functions are performed by the encoders, computer and motors respectively.Haptic InformationBasically the haptic information provided by the system will be the combination of (i)Tactile information and (ii) Kinesthetic information. Tactile information refers the information acquired by the sensors which are genuinely connected to the skin of the human body with a particular reference to the spatial distribution of pressure, or more generally, tractions, across the contact area .For example when we handle flexible materials like fabric and paper, we sense the pressure variation across the hitchtip. This is actually a sort of tactile information .Tactile sensing is also the basis of complex perce ptual tasks like medical palpation ,where physicians locate hidden anatomical structures and evaluate tissue properties using their hands. Kinesthetic information refers to the information acquired through the sensors in the joints. Interaction forces are ordinarily perceived through a combination of these two informations. Creation of Virtual environment (Virtual reality)Virtual reality is the technology which allows a user to interact with a computer- false environment, whether that environment is a simulation of the real world or an imaginary world. Most current virtual reality environments are primarily visual experiences, displayed either on a computer screen or through special or stereoscopic displays, but some simulations include additional sensory information, such as sound through speakers or headphones. Some advanced haptic systems now include tactile information, generally known as force feedback, in medical and gaming applications. Users can interact with a virtual envi ronment or a virtual artifact (VA)either through the use of standard input devices such as a keyboard and mouse, or through multimodal devices such as a wired glove, the Polhemus boom arm, and omnidirectional treadmill.The simulated environment can be similar to the real world, for example, simulations for pilot or combat training, or it can differ significantly from reality, as in VR games. In practice, it is currently very difficult to create a high-fidelity virtual reality experience, due to largely technical limitations on processing power,image re resolution and communication bandwidth. However, those limitations are evaluate to eventually be overcome as processor, imaging and data communication technologies become more powerful and cost-effective over time. Virtual Reality is oftentimes used to describe a wide variety of applications, commonly associated with its immersive, highly visual, 3D environments.The development of CAD software, graphics demandingware acceleration, head mounted displays database gloves and miniaturization have helped popularize the motion.The most successful use of virtual reality is generated 3-D simulators. The pilots use flight simulators. These flight simulators have designed that like cockpit of the airplanes or the helicopter. The screen in front of the pilot creates virtual environment and the trainers outside the simulators commands the simulator for adopt different modes. The pilots are trained to control the planes indifferent difficult situations and emergency landing. The simulator provides the environment. These simulators cost millions of dollars.Virtual environmentThe virtual reality games are also used almost in the same fashion. The player has to wear special gloves, headphones, goggles, full body wearing and special sensory input devices. The player feels that he is in the real environment. The special goggles have monitors to see. The environment changes correspond to the moments of the player. These game s are very expensive.Haptic FeedbackVirtual reality (VR) applications strive to simulate real or imaginary scenes with which users can interact and perceive the effects of their actions in real time. Ideally the user interacts with the simulation via all five senses. However, todays typical VR applications rely on a smaller subset, typically vision, hearing, and more recently, touch.Figure below shows the structure of a VR application incorporating visual, auditory, and haptic feedback. Haptic Feedback Block Diagram The applications main elements are1) The simulation engine, accountable for computing the virtual environments Behaviour over time2) Visual, auditory, and haptic transformation algorithms, which compute the virtual Environments graphic, sound, and force responses toward the user and3) Transducers, which convert visual, audio, and force signals from the Computer into a form the operator can perceive.The human operator typically holds or wears the haptic interface device and perceives audiovisual feedback from audio (computer speakers, headphones, and so on) and visual displays (for example a computer screen or head-mounted display).Whereas audio and visual channels feature unidirectional information and energy flow (from the simulation engine toward the user), the haptic modality exchanges information and energy in two directions, from and toward the user. This bi-directionality is often referred to as the single most pregnant feature of the haptic interaction modality.HAPTIC DEVICESA haptic device is the one that provides a physical interface between the user and the virtual environment by means of a computer. This can be done through an input/ output device that senses the bodys achievement, such as joystick or data glove. By using haptic devices, the user can not only feed information to the computer but can also receive information from the computer in the form of a felt sensation on some part of the body. This is referred to as a haptic int erface. These devices can be broadly categorize into-a)Virtual reality/ Tele-robotics based devices- Exoskeletons and Stationary device, Gloves and wearable devices, Point-source and Specific task devices, Locomotion Interfaces b)Feedback devices-Force feedback devices, Tactile displaysVirtual reality/Tele-robotics based devices- Exoskeletons and Stationary devices The term exoskeleton refers to the hard outer shell that exists on many creatures. In a technical sense, the word refers to a system that covers the user or the user has to wear. Current haptic devices that are classified as exoskeletons are large and immobile systems that the user must attach him or her to.Gloves and wearable devicesThese devices are smaller exoskeleton-like devices that are often, but not always, take the down by a large exoskeleton or other immobile devices. Since the goal of building a haptic system is to be able to immerse a user in the virtual or remote environment and it is important to provide a small remainder of the users actual environment as possible. The drawback of the wearable systems is that since pitch and size of the devices are a concern, the systems will have more limited sets of capabilities.Point sources and specialized task devicesThis is a class of devices that are very specialized for performing a particular given task. Designing a device to perform a single type of task restricts the application of that device to a much smaller number of functions. However it allows the designer to focus the device to perform its task extremely well. These task devices have two general forms, single point of interface devices and specific task devices.Locomotion interfaceAn interesting application of haptic feedback is in the form of full body Force Feedback called locomotion interfaces. Locomotion interfaces are movement of force restrictiondevices in a confined space, simulating unrestrained mobility such as walking andrunning for virtual reality. These interfaces over comes the limitations of using joysticks for maneuvering or whole body motion platforms, in which the user is seated and does not expend energy, and of room environments, where only short distances can betraversed.b) Feedback Devices-Force feedback devicesForce feedback input devices are usually, but not exclusively, connected to computer systems and is designed to apply forces to simulate the sensation of weight andresistance in order to provide information to the user. As such, the feedback hardware represents a more sophisticated form of input/output devices, complementing others such as keyboards, mice or trackers. Input from the user in the form of hand, or other body segment whereas feedback from the computer or other device is in the form of hand, or other body segment whereas feedback from the computer or other device is in the form of force or position. These devices translate digital information into physical sensationsTactile display devicesSimulation task involving activ e exploration or delicate manipulation of a virtualenvironment require the addition of feedback data that presents an objects surface geometry or texture. Such feedback is provided by tactile feedback systems or tactile display devices. Tactile systems differ from haptic systems in the scale of the forces being generated. plot of ground haptic interfaces will present the shape, weight or compliance of an object, tactile interfaces present the surface properties of an object such as the objects surface texture. Tactile feedback applies sensation to the skin.c)COMMONLY USED HAPTIC INTERFACING DEVICES-PHANTOMIt is a haptic interfacing device developed by a company named Sensible technologies. It is primarily used for providing a 3D touch to the virtual objects. This is a very high resolution 6 DOF device in which the user holds the end of a motor controlled jointed arm. It provides a programmable sense of touch that allows the user to feel the texture and shape of the virtual object w ith a very high degree of realism. angiotensin-converting enzyme of its key features is that it can model free floating 3 dimensional objects.Cyber gloveThe principle of a Cyber glove is simple. It consists of opposing the movement of the hand in the same way that an object squeezed between the fingers resists the movement of the latter. The glove must therefore be capable, in the absence of a real object, of recreating the forces applied by the object on the human hand with (1) the same intensity and (2) the same direction. These two conditions can be simplified by requiring the glove to apply a torque equal to the interphalangian joint. The solution that we have chosen uses a mechanical structure with three passive joints which, with the interphalangian joint, make up a flat four-bar closed-link mechanism. This solution use melodic phrases placed at the interior of the four-bar mechanism and following a trajectory identical to that used by the extensor tendons which, by nature, oppose the movement of the flexor tendons in order to harmonize the movement of the fingers. Among the advantages of this structure one can cite-Allows 4 dof for each fingersAdapted to different size of the fingerLocated on the back of the handApply different forces on each phalanx (The possibility of applying a lateral force on the fingertip by motorizing the abduction/adduction joint)Measure finger angular flexion (The measure of the joint angles are Independent and can have a good resolution given the important paths travelled by the cables when the finger shut. Cyber glove MechanismMechanical structure of a Cyber gloveThe glove is made up of five fingers and has 19 degrees of license 5 of which are passive. Each finger is made up of a passive abduction joint which links it to the base (palm) and to 9 rotoid joints which, with the three interphalangian joints, make up 3closed-link mechanism with four bar and 1 degree of freedom. The structure of the thumb is composed of only two closed-links, for 3 dof of which one is passive. The segments of the glove are made of aluminum and can withstand high charges their total weight does not surpass 350 grams. The length of the segments is proportional to thelength of the phalanxes. All of the joints are mounted on miniature ball bearings in order to reduce friction. Fig 3.4 Mechanical Structural of Cyber gloveThe mechanical structure offers two essential advantages the first is the speediness of adapting to different sizes of the human hand. We have also provided for lateraladjustment in order to adapt the interval between the fingers at the palm. The second advantage is the presence of physical lucre in the structure which offer complete security to the operator. The force sensor is placed on the inside of a fixed support on the swiftness part of the phalanx. The sensor is made up of a steel strip on which a strain gauge was glued. The position sensor used to measure the cable displacement is incremental optical encoders offering an average theoretical resolution equal to 0.1 deg for the finger joints.Control of Cyber gloveThe glove is controlled by 14 torque motors with continuous current which can develop a maximal torque equal to 1.4 Nm and a continuous torque equal to 0.12 Nm. On each motor we fix a pulley with an 8.5 mm radius onto which the cable is wound. The maximal force that the motor can exert on the cable is thus equal to 14.0 N, a value sufficient to ensure opposition to the movement of the finger. The electronic interface of the force feedback data glove is made of PC with several acquisition cards.The global scheme of the control is given in the figure shown below. One can distinguish two command loop topologys an internal loop which corresponds to a classic force control with constant dons and an external loop which integrates the model of distortion of the virtual object in contact with the fingers. In this system the action of man on the position of the fingers joints is taken into consideration by the two control loops. Man is considered as a displacement generator while the glove is considered as a force generator Haptic RenderingIt is a process of applying forces to the user through a force-feedback device. Using haptic rendering, we can enable a user to touch, feel and command virtual objects. Enhance a users experience in virtual environment. Haptic rendering is process of displaying synthetically generated 2D/3D haptic stimuli to the user. The haptic interface acts as a two-port system terminated on one side by the human operator and on the other side by the virtual environment.. ApplicationsThe addition of haptics to various applications of virtual reality and teleoperation opens exciting possibilities. Three example applications that have been pursued at our Touch Lab are summarized below. Medical Simulators Just as flight simulators are used to train pilots, the multimodal virtual environment system we have developed is being used in de veloping virtual reality based needle procedures and working(a) simulators that enable a medical trainee to see, touch, and see to it realistic models of biological tissues and organs. The work involves the development of both instrumented hardware and software algorithms for real-time displays. An epidural injection simulator has already been tested by residents and experts in two hospitals. A minimally invasive surgery simulator is also being developed and includes (a) in vivo measurement of the mechanical properties tissues and organs, (b) development of a variety of real-time algorithms for the calculation of tool-tissue force interactions and organ deformations, and (c) verification of the traning effectiveness of the simulator. This work is reviewed in 9. . Collaborative Haptics In other project, the use of haptics to improve humancomputer interaction as well as human-human interactions mediated by computers is being explored. A multimodal shared virtual environment syste m has been developed and experiments have been performed with human subjects to study the role of haptic feedback in collaborative tasks and whether haptic communication through force feedback can facilitate a sense of being and collaborating with a remote partner. Two scenarios, one in which the partners are in close proximity and the other in which they are separated by several thousand miles (transatlantic touch with collaborators in University College, London, 11), have been demonstrated. sense mackhine Interfaces In a collaborative project with Prof. Nicolelis of Duke University Medical School, we recently succeeded in controlling a robot in real-time using signals from just about 100 neurons in the motor cortex of a monkey 12. We demonstrated that this could be done not only with a robot within Duke, but also across the internet with a robot in our lab. This work opens a whole new paradigm for studying the sensorimotor functions in the primal Nervous System. In addition, a future application is the possibility of implanted brain-machine interfaces for paralyzed patients to control external devices such as smart prostheses, similar to pacemakers or cochlear implants.Given below are several more potential applications Medicine manipulating micro and macro robots for minimally invasive surgery remote diagnosing for telemedicine aids for the disabled such as haptic interfaces for the blind. Entertainment video games and simulators that enable the user to feel and manipulate virtual solids, fluids, tools, and avatars. Education giving students the feel of phenomena at nano, macro, or astronomical scales what if scenarios for non-terrestrial physics experiencing complex data sets. Industry integration of haptics into CAD systems such that a designer can freely manipulate the mechanical components of an assembly in an immersive environment. Graphic Arts virtual art exhibits, concert rooms, and museums in which the user can login remotely to play the mus ical instruments, and to touch and feel the haptic attributes of the displays individual or co-operative virtual sculpturing across the internetAPPLICATIONS, LIMITATION & FUTUREVISIONMEDICINEHaptic interfaces for medical simulation may prove especially useful for training in minimally invasive procedures such as laparoscopy and interventional radiology, as well as for performing remote surgery. A particular advantage of this type of work is that surgeons can perform more operations of a similar type with less fatigue. It is well documented that a surgeon who performs more procedures of a given kind will have statistically better outcomes for his patients. Haptic interfaces are also used in rehabilitation. By using this technology a person can have exercise simulated and be used to rehabilitate somebody with injury.A Virtual Haptic Back (VHB) was successfully integrated in the curriculum at the Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine. Research indicates that VHB is a signific ant teaching aid in palpatory diagnosis (detection of medical problems via touch). The VHB simulates the contour and severity of human backs, which are palpated with two haptic interfaces (SensAble Technologies, PHANToM 3.0). Haptics have also been applied in the field of prosthetics and orthotics. Research has been underway to provide essential feedback from a prosthetic limb to its wearer. Several research projects through the US Department of Education and National Institutes of Health focused on this area. Recent work by Edward Colgate, Pravin Chaubey, and Allison Okamura et al. focused on investigating fundamental issues and determining effectiveness for rehabilitation.Video gamesHaptic feedback is commonly used in arcade games, especially racing video games. In 1976, Segas motorbike game Moto-Cross, also known as Fonz, was the first game to use haptic feedback which caused the handlebars to vibrate during a collision with another vehicle. Tatsumis TX-1 introduced force feedba ck to car driving games in 1983. Simple haptic devices are common in the form of game controllers, joysticks, and charge wheels. Early implementations were provided through optional components, such as the Nintendo 64controllers Rumble Pak.Many newer generation console controllers and joysticks feature built in feedback devices, including Sonys DualShock technology. Some automobile steering wheel controllers, for example, are programmed to provide a feel of the road. As the user makes a turn or accelerates, the steering wheel responds by resisting turns or slipping out of control. In 2007, Novint released the Falcon, the first consumer 3D touch device with high resolution three-dimensional force feedback this allowed the haptic simulation of objects, textures, recoil, momentum, and the physical presence of objects in games.Personal computersIn 2008, Apples MacBook and MacBook Pro started incorporating a Tactile Touchpad design with button functionality and haptic feedback incorpor ated into the tracking surface. Products such as the Synaptics ClickPad followed thereafter. Windows and Mac operating environments, will also benefit greatly from haptic interactions. Imagine being able to feel graphic buttons and receive force feedback as you profane a button.Mobile devicesTactile haptic feedback is becoming common in cellular devices. flockset manufacturers like LG and Motorola are including different types of haptic technologies in their devices in most cases, this takes the form of vibration response to touch. The Nexus One features haptic feedback, according to their specifications. Nokia phone designers have perfected a tactile touch screen that makes on-screen buttons behave as if they were real buttons. When a user presses the button, he or she feels movement in and movement out. He also hears an audible click. Nokia engineers accomplished this by placing two small piezoelectric sensor pads under the screen and designing the screen soit could move slightl y when pressed. Everything, movement and sound is synchronized perfectly to simulate real button manipulation.RoboticsThe Shadow Hand uses the sense of touch, pressure, and position to reproduce the strength, delicacy, and complexity of the human grip. The SDRH was developed by Richard Greenhill and his team of engineers in London as part of The Shadow Project, now known as the Shadow Robot Company, an ongoing research and development program whose goal is to complete the first win over artificial humanoid. An early prototype can be seen in NASAs collection of humanoid robots, or robonauts. The Shadow Hand has haptic sensors embedded in every joint and finger pad, which relay information to a central computer for processing and analysis. Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania and Bielefeld University in Germany found The Shadow Hand to be an invaluable tool in advancing the understanding of haptic awareness, and in 2006 they were involved in related research. The first PHANTOM, which allows one to interact with objects in virtual reality through touch, was developed by Thomas Massie while a student of Ken Salisbury at MIT.Future ApplicationsFuture applications of haptic technology cover a wide spectrum of human interaction with technology. Current research focuses on the mastery of tactile interaction with holograms and distant objects, which if successful may result in applications and advancements in gaming, movies, manufacturing, medical, and other industries. The medical industry stands to gain from virtual and telepresence surgeries, which provide new options for medical care. The clothing retail industry could gain from haptic technology by allowing users to feel the texture of clothes for sale on the internet. Future advancements in haptic technology may create new industries that were previously not feasible or realistic.Future medical applicationsOne currently developing medical innovation is a central workstation used by surgeons to perform oper ations remotely. Local nursing staff set up the machine and prepare the patient, and rather than travel to an operating room, the surgeon becomes a telepresence. This allows expert surgeons to operate from across the country, increasing availability of expert medical care. Haptic technology provides tactile and resistance feedback to surgeons as they operate the robotic device. As the surgeon makes an incision, they feel ligaments as if working directly on the patient. As of 2003, researchers at Stanford University were developing technology to simulate surgery for training purposes. Simulated operations allow surgeons and surgical students to practice and train more. Haptic technology aids in the simulation by creating a realistic environment of touch.Much like telepresence surgery, surgeons feel simulated ligaments, or the pressure of a virtual incision as if it were real. The researchers, led by J. Kenneth Salisbury Jr., professor of computer science and surgery, hope to be able to create realistic internal organs for the simulated surgeries, but Salisbury stated that the task will be difficult. The idea behind the research is that just as commercial pilots train in flight simulators before theyre unleashed on real passengers, surgeons will be able to practice their first incisions without actually cutting anyone. According to a Boston University paper published in The Lancet, Noise-based devices, such as randomly vibrating insoles, could also ameliorate age-related impairments in balance control. If effective, cheap haptic insoles were available, perhaps many injuries from falls in old age or due to illness-related balance-impairment could be avoided.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Death in Gaza Essay

With Israel receiving three billion dollars in aid annually from the United States of America, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an issue that is relevant to life in the U.S. However, to umpteen it is no more than a distant battle fought in a land few provide ever see. The documentary pick out Death in Gaza attempts to change the conflict through the everyday lives and voices of juvenile children living in the war-stricken argona. objet dart the documentary is relatively one-sided, cover only the Palestinian viewpoint, it does serve the purpose of throw away light and interest on an issue that is unimaginable to those not living in the region, yet is fought and survived by people no different than ourselves.The documentary begins by showing the director, James Miller, who was killed while filming in Gaza. This serves the purpose of not only paying tribute, but capturing the interest of those otherwise unaffected by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It makes the viewer, par ticularly one who may be uninformed of the conflict, interested in a cause that was so important to a husband and father of two young children that he was willing to risk, and ultimately lose, his life to show it to the rest of the world.The story is further deepened when the film proceeds to follow the conflict through the eyes of Palestinian children, the oldest being only sixteen. The generation these children are a part of is described by many, including the narrator, to be those who decide to make peace, or continue what seems to be a never-ending war. When the film begins, the children, despite being surrounded by tanks and guns, ruin and debris, seem to be no different than the children around the world. They play games similar to those in the U.S., although instead of Cops and Robbers they pick to call it Jews and Arabs. They kick soccer balls, think of excuses to tell their teachers when they are late to class, and want nothing more than to play and spend clip with their friends.It is pronto revealed, however, that the lives these children lead are in fact very different from those watching the documentary from their computer or television. These are children who have seen so many friends and relatives lose their lives in the battle for an independent Palestine that death is an everyday aspect of life. Funerals are as common to these children as mealtimes in other countries. The streets are lined with pictures of the deceased, or martyrs as the Palestinians call them. In fact, these deaths are no longer mourned, but rather celebrated as furthering of the cause, so much so that children look forward to martyrdom. Many have already written letters to their families in case they are killed, including a boy, Abdul Sattar, who is only eleven years old. Others quickly join Palestinian insurgent groups and militias, acting as lookouts and assembling hand grenades when they are not throwing stones at Israeli tanks and bulldozers.Despite the vivid and brut al scenes of Gaza the film captures, the documentary delves into a much deeper issue, the mentality of these children. It is surprising to see that these children can speak with an innocence so characteristic of childhood about things such(prenominal) as friends and school, but in only seconds can exude developed, adult hatred and abhorrence towards Israelis. One of the boys, only twelve years old, tells the interviewer that he hates fighting and wants to be friends with everyone, the way he is with his best friend, except with the Jews. This mentality is blatantly obvious in a young girl named Ayyah, who is no more than five years old. She speaks of the only time she saw the sea with a sense fondness and simplicity that is so often seen in children. However, when asked about the Israelis, she immediately displays hostility and revulsion, work them sons of dogs.The mentality these Palestinian children have is so mystifying and peculiar, yet familiar at the same time. It is unimagin able to most to think of children so young having such anger towards a group of people, yet the mindset is similar to issues facing our own society, such as racism and prejudice. It can be partially attributed to the teachings of their parents and the generations in the lead them, but is justified to these children every time they see a friend lose a life, an Israeli tank shoot them with bullets in return for their stones, or when a bulldozer continues to push them further away from home. A large theme throughout the documentary is whether or not this generation will choose to make peace or continue making war, and it serves the purpose of engaging the viewer in the debate of whether the desire for peace and inherent friendliness of these children will ever overcome the rooted hatred and thirst for violence.While the documentary does an excellent job of showing the Palestinian viewpoint, it does not even touch on that of the Israelis. Though the narrator attributes this one-sided a rgument to the death of the director, it still does not accurately show the entire scope of a two-sided battle. Had Death in Gaza shown the Israeli vantage point, be it through the eyes of children or the soldiers manning the tanks Palestinian children often attack with rocks and stones, it would have better served the purpose of shedding light on a very relevant issue that has caused devastation upon many. In addition, the film itself took what can be interpreted as a harsh tone on the Israelis. The narrator was often sarcastic in her remarks, often asking why Israeli soldiers returned stones with bullets, or destroyed entire neighborhoods searching for suspected smuggling tunnels. While these are applicable and substantiated questions, without engaging in the Israeli viewpoint the film tends to portray the Palestinians as merely victims, rather than one side of a het up conflict.Regardless, Death in Gaza accomplishes the goal of bringing attention to a struggle that impacts so ma ny, yet is often overlooked by a majority of the inhabited not directly affected. It shows the everyday consequences of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through children who one can easily relate to themselves or those they know. The documentary further intrigues the viewer by showing the violence and death in these childrens lives, and asks one to question whether their mentality towards the Israelis will only lead to further war and destruction. While the documentary seems partial without both sides of the argument, it does bring forth the interest and attention of all who watch it.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

How accuracy may be ensured in techniques used Essay

M1 Explain how verity whitethorn be ensured in the techniques used Cynthia Nzeh business 11) Discuss how your choice of equipment and how it affected the accuracy of your method. Discuss good volumetric technique.2) Calculate the utensil error for the method used.3) Given the value calculated by the senior technician calculate your error and definition on this error in relation to the apparatus error of the method. In the titration, I used these available instruments to ensure my results would be as accurate as possible. Volumetric burette This instrument was filled with the atomic number 11 hydroxide resolvent that would be gradually added to the vinegar solution.The burette was used instead of a touchstone cylinder as it gives a finer volume reading. It has a tap which enables the user to quickly and easily stop the amount of sodium hydroxide solution that pours egress. However using a plumbers helper burette instead of a volumetric burette may assume increased the chances of gaining more accurate results. This is because the piston burette delivers precision bore and plunger.White tile The tile was used to be able to observe the tinct change of the solution in the conic flask better. By placing the white tile it allowed us to see the colour change more easily and quickly therefore increasing our chances of closing the burette tap on time and giving us closer and possibly more accurate results. If non clear make-up was used or no cover at all, the colour change of the solution would not have been spotted as quickly therefore increasing the time taken to close the burette tap to stop sodium hydroxide being added to the vinegar solution. The increase of sodium hydroxide solution would mean that the results checked would not be the accurate or close to the accurate value.Funnel This piece of equipment was added to the top of the burette and it was used to channel the sodium hydroxide solution into the burette. The backtalk of the burette was too m inor to pour the sodium hydroxide solution in safely so the plastic funnel was used to prevent any spillage of the solution and enabled the sodium hydroxide solution to be poured into theburette with precision and no spillage. A disposable paper funnel would not have been an appropriate piece of equipment to use, this is because the paper funnel would have absorbed some of the placely measured sodium hydroxide solution (liquid) and changed the total volume of the sodium hydroxide going into the burette. The funnel is then removed before the titration takes place this is to prevent any extra droplets, of the solution be in the funnel, to be added to the solution as it could affect the general volume in the burette.Conical flask The conical flask was used to store the vinegar with drops of phenolphthalein before sodium hydroxide was added to the solution through the burette. A conical flask was the most ideal piece of equipment to use. The delimit head minimises the risk of splas hes from the flask, this means that the solution remains in the flask and does not pose on into contact with experimenter. Using a conical flask over a beaker is more ideal. This is due to the fact that a beaker has a wide open mouth which means that solutions can splash out when poured in. Also, the shape of the instrument make it is easier to swirl the contents of the flask.Bulb pipette (and filler) This instrument was used to measure out 25.0cm3 of sodium hydroxide to be added to the conical flask. There is a line of meniscus which indicates where the volume should be, this makes the pipette produce an accurate 25.0 volume. The pipette has a narrow portion which slows down the speed at which the solution gets drawn up. This enables the volume to be more accurate as it is easier and quicker to stop the pipette displace up more of the solution after drawing up the desired amount.A measuring cylinder may have also been used and may be more ideal than the bulb pipette. This is due to the fact that it has a measuring scale and the amount poured into the instrument is more controlled comp bed to the bulb pipette as this only has one line of measurement and it is tricky to get a solution to fall on the line of the meniscus. Good Volumetric TechniquesTo win a good volumetric technique, the experimenter needs to be able to correctly complete certain procedures. originally beginning an experiment, it is good to calibrate any equipment that needs calibration. This ensures that results obtain impart be as accurate as possible or as near to the true value. All equipment should be inspected to ensure that there are no chips, cracks or general damage to the equipment as these could cause problems during the experiment which could affect the overall results gained.Equipment such as burettes, pipettes, flasks and beakers must be rinsed with distilled water to get rid of any impurities in the equipment. If solutions are to be poured in any piece of equipment then the eq uipment should also be rinsed out with the solution being used, this provide maintain the pH level in the instrument. Once a solution is transferred from the pipette to the flask, touching the tip of the pipette on the side of the flask will drain any extra drops that may still remain on the tip of the pipette.When filling up the burette it is important that a funnel is used, only as the solution reaches the 0 mark it is ideal that the funnel be removed and a pipette used instead to reach the 0 mark, this is to achieve greater precision. During the experiment, it is important to swirl the flask continuously with one hand whilst the other hand opens and closes the tap of the burette, this allows the solution to mix well enough for the colour change to be observed quicker.The titrant should be added in drop by drop as it reaches the endpoint as it prevents too much of the solution in the burette to be added to the solution in the conical flask. Also, the tap should be shut properly to prevent any extra unwanted solution from move out. The burette and pipette must be read at eye level to gain the actual result. To ensure reliability, the experiment should be repeated until a concordance between two results is acquired.Apparatus errorTo calculate the apparatus error the equation isMaximum errorMeasure Value25cm3 pipette = ( 0.1cm3 25) x 100 = 0.4Burette = ( 0.15cm 22.75) x 100 = 0.66 Mass Balance = (0.01 4.05) x 100 = 0.25Volumetric flask = (0.1 200) x 100 = 0.05= 1.36% apparatus error observational error = 100 x (real answer experiment answer) Real answer100 x (0.056 0.0546)0.056100 x 0.0014 = 2.5%0.056The experimental error is greater than the apparatus error. This could have been down to a number of different factors. Too much sodium hydroxide may have been added to the solution which could have changed the volume of sodium hydroxide used. The burette could have been read wrong and not at the same eye level or from the bottom of the meniscus line. Thes e faults may have been the cause of the experimental error or they may have added to the experimental error and this is why the experimental error is much greater than the apparatus error.Task 2 & 3There were certain procedures done in order to ensure the results obtained would be as accurate as possible.Flame testBefore beginning the experiment, the wire loop is dipped into dilute hydrochloric acid then held in a Bunsen burner flame. This is to get rid of any residue remaining of the loop. Each test tube was correctly designate to avoid a mix up.The solutions where look at behind a white background, this was to enable the correct colour to be identified easier. Different instruments for different solution were used.Food testFor this test it was important to keep the amount of food samples used stir for each food group. The food samples were placed in separate pellets to avoid cross contamination between the foods. Each test tube was correct labelled to avoid a mix up.Equal drops of indicators were added to each food sample.Sourceshttp// http// http// http//

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Hank Aaron

Hank Aaron Henry Louis Hank Aaron Born February 5, 1934 , Nicknamed Hammer, Or Hammerin Hank, Is A Retired American Baseball Right fielder Who Played 23 Seasons In Major League Baseball From 1954 To 1976 . Aaron Was Considered To Be One Of The Greatest Baseball Players Of All Time . Background Hank Aaron Is Widely Regarded As One Of The Greatest Hitters Of In The History Of Baseball . For Nearly 23 socio-economic classs , Aaron Played As An Outfielder For The Braves And The Milwaukee Brewers . He Was Setting Several Records And Winning Honors .Aaron Continues To suss out Many Of Baseball Records Including , Runs Batted , Extra Base Hits , Total Bases , And close Years With 30 Or More Home Runs . For More Than Two Decades , Aaron Held The Record For Most Career Home Runs (755) . Early Life Born Henry Louis Aaron On February 5 , 1934 . Hank Aaron Was Born In Mobile , Alabama . Aaron And His Family Moved To The Middle-Class Toulminville realm When He Was 8 Years Old. Aaron Develo ped A Strong Affinity For Baseball And Football At A Young Age, And Tended To Focus More firmly On Sports Than His Studies.During His Freshman And Sophomore Years , He Attended Central High School, A Segregated High School In Mobile, Where He Excelled At Both Football And Baseball. On The Baseball Diamond , He Played Shortstop And Third Base . In His Junior Year , Aaron Transferred To The Josephine Allen Institute , A Neighboring Private School That Had An Organized Baseball Program . Before The End Of His First Year At Allen , He Had More Than Proved His Abilities On The Baseball Field.Then, Perhaps Sensing That He Had A Bigger Future Ahead Of Him , In 1951 , The 18-Year-Old Aaron Quit School To Play For The Negro Baseball Leagues Indianopolis Clowns . illustrious For He Had The MLB Record For Most Career Home Runs Of 755 Until Barry Bonds Broke The Record . He Hit 24 Or More Home Runs Every Year From 1955 Through 1973 , And Is The Only Player To Hit 30 Or More Home Runs In A Se ason At Least 15 quantify . He Is One Of Only Four Players To Have At Least 17 Seasons With 150 Or More Hits . Hank Aaron Broke infant Ruths All The Home Run Record Babe Ruth Had Hit 714 Home Runs During His Baseball Career . Legacy In 1974 , After Tying The Babe On Opening Day In Cincinnati , Aaron Came Home With His Team . On April 15 , He Banged Out His Record 715th Homerun At 907 p. m. In The quartern Inning Against The Los Angeles Dodgers . It Was A Triumph And A Relief . The More Than 50,000 Fans On Hand Cheered Him On As He Rounded The Bases . There Were Fireworks And A mess , And When He Crossed Home Plate , Aarons Parents Were There To Greet Him . Overall , Aaron Finished The 1974 Season With 20 Homeruns .He Played Two More Years , base Back To Milwaukee To Finish Out His Career To Play In The Same City Where Hed Started . After Retiring As A Player , Aaron Moved Into The battle of Atlanta Braves Front Office As Executive Vice-President , Where He Has Been A Leading Sp okesman For Minority Hiring In Baseball. He Was Elected To Baseballs Hall of Fame In 1982 . His Autobiography , I Had A Hammer, Was Published In 1990 . In 1999, To Celebrate The 25th Anniversary Of Breaking Ruths Record , Major League Baseball Announced The Hank Aaron Award , disposed Annually To The Best Overall Hitter In Each League .

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Technology effects of Human Relationships

They say All good subjects must come to an end. Well if this is correct, and technology had halt existing how would the world respond? I predict that this world would go into a great depression. Not necessarily because of beneficial and honorable things akin the abilities to further your education, watching the news, or readiness a simple meal for the family but because of the inability to use technology as a relationship ground source.Based on the research Ive done, studies go for shown that technology has a very negative effect on tender relationships because battalion are basically victimisation it for robots, an unrealistic emotional caregiver, meshwork, a loving skills killer and a communicator, relationship built off false emotions. In the past, if a person is feeling solo or so emotional to the come out where they need to consult to someone they would with a nonher person. Now-a-days, if there is a problem, a person talks there moorage out to a talking solecism bear named Fujitsu.This Fujitsu is built to keep company to a person by being understanding and loving. Another adult male like robot is the baby seal. In the article Flight for conversation, an elderly woman actually talked to this seal about personal problems, the woman became comfort because it actually seemed to be following her conversation. The scariest thing about these grapples, is, we are willing to conform to a battery robot than an actual human being. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are the nigh popular social networks there is, so to postulate one is not a surprise. It is proved to be a very addictive technology tool. many a(prenominal) people are so in tuned with these internet sources that they cut all ties with their actual surroundings. A mother could be talking to their child about a serious-minded topic, but the daughter could not so far be listening to that mother because their tweeting . People especially teens, rather reveal their feelings to a website r ather than their own parents. A quote, from the article, Just How Many Facebook Friends Do You motivating? supports this argument No matter if it is a wall post, a comment, or a photo, young peoples engagement with Facebook is driven.Texting is considered to be, one of the meteoric most used communicator there is to exist. Although it is very convenient, it is depriving the two interactors from a real conversation and relationship. Someday, someday, but certainly not now, Id like to divulge how to have a conversation. a 16 year old boy says because he feels he has no communication skills. overly for instance, if one is unfamiliar with someone and trying to get to know them they will text that person to become better acquaintances. The issue with this is that when a person text, it is unfeasible to really understand the others attitude, emotions or behavior.Therefore you really truly dont know them you could become attached to a person that you really have no interest in. Many can argue that, Technology has so many positive results, and that it doesnt matter about a few negative ones. I disagree with these rational remarks, human relationships are very important and self-beneficial we should not continue to destroy something so valuable. In order to fix the problem, technology users should come more one on one conversation with others human beings. Learn how to accept technology as a benefit not a need.Technology Effects of Human RelationshipsThey say All good things must come to an end. Well if this is correct, and Technology had stopped existing how would the world respond? I predict that this world would go into a great depression. Not necessarily because of beneficial and honorable things like the abilities to further your education, watching the news, or cooking a simple meal for the family but because of the inability to use technology as a relationship based source.Based on the research Ive done, studies have shown that technology has a very nega tive effect on human relationships because people are basically using it for robots, an unrealistic emotional caregiver, internet, a social skills killer and a communicator, relationship built off false emotions. In the past, if a person is feeling alone or so emotional to the point where they need to consult to someone they would with another person. Now-a-days, if there is a problem, a person talks there situation out to a talking teddy bear named Fujitsu.This Fujitsu is built to keep company to a person by being understanding and loving. Another human like robot is the baby seal. In the article Flight for conversation, an elderly woman actually talked to this seal about personal problems, the woman became comforted because it actually seemed to be following her conversation. The scariest thing about these issues, is, we are willing to conform to a battery robot than an actual human being. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are the most popular social networks there is, so to have o ne is not a surprise. It is proved to be a very addictive technology tool.Many people are so in tuned with these internet sources that they cut all ties with their actual surroundings. A mother could be talking to their child about a serious topic, but the daughter could not even be listening to that mother because their tweeting . People especially teens, rather reveal their feelings to a website rather than their own parents. A quote, from the article, Just How Many Facebook Friends Do You Need? supports this argument No matter if it is a wall post, a comment, or a photo, young peoples engagement with Facebook is driven.Texting is considered to be, one of the fastest most used communicator there is to exist. Although it is very convenient, it is depriving the two interactors from a real conversation and relationship. Someday, someday, but certainly not now, Id like to learn how to have a conversation a 16 year old boy says because he feels he has no communication skills. Also for instance, if one is unfamiliar with someone and trying to get to know them they will text that person to become better acquaintances. The issue with this is that when a person text, it is impossible to really understand the others attitude, emotions or behavior.Therefore you really truly dont know them you could become attached to a person that you really have no interest in. Many can argue that, Technology has so many positive results, and that it doesnt matter about a few negative ones. I disagree with these rational remarks, human relationships are very important and self-beneficial we should not continue to destroy something so valuable. In order to fix the problem, technology users should practice more one on one conversation with others human beings. Learn how to accept technology as a benefit not a need.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Lab Researching Networking Standards Essay

phonation 1 Research Networking Standards OrganizationsGather information about the major(ip) networking standards organizations by going on a web surfing treasure hunt. Identify important characteristics of several(prenominal) of the organizations. Part 2 Reflect on Internet and Computer Networking Experiences Reflect on how the various networking standards organizations advance our experience of the Internet and computer networking.Background / ScenarioUsing web search engines like Google, explore the non-profit organizations that are responsible for establishing international standards for the Internet and the development of Internet technologies.Required ResourcesDevice with Internet accessPart 1 Research Networking Standards OrganizationsIn Part 1, you will identify some of the major standards organizations and important characteristics, much(prenominal) as the number of years in existence, the size of their membership, the important historical figures, some of the respons ibilities and duties, organizational supervising role, and the location of the organizations headquarters. Use a web browser or websites for various organizations to research information about the following organizations and the people who have been instrumental in maintaining them. You can find answers to the questions to a lower place by searching the following organizational acronyms and terms ISO, ITU, ICANN, IANA, IEEE, EIA, TIA, ISOC, IAB, IETF, W3C, RFC, and Wi-Fi Alliance.1. Who is Jonathan B. Postel and what is he known for?

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Profit Maximization Essay

The company selected for this project is Ingram Micro. It is one of the largest distributors of Information Technology products not only in the States but in the whole world as well. Basically, the main modus operandi of the company is to generate income through merchandising IT products in bulk to large distributors or resellers or in retail to its dedicated special gathering of resellers.The main distinguishing operation of Ingram Micro in terms of profit generation is that it generates revenues by adjusting in real time all the products it distributes from the manufacturer to the distributors. Ingram Micro is like a channel so it is crucial that price adjustments lead not compromise its ability to earn profits. Technically, the mode of distributing products can be considered elastic in select curves.This means that any changes or adjustments in the prices of the products wont have true effect on the engages of the resellers. This is mainly due to the fact that the consumers ma rket of IT products can readily adjust to price fluctuations as applied science commodities always do. However, if a reseller wishes to order in bulk, Ingram Micro can immediately adjust its profit to bring through the deal and create more future opportunities with a specific reseller. So in this case demand really drives the profit of the company.On the other hand if one manufacturer is not able to concern the demands of the reseller, Ingram Micro can increase prices for profit maximization without even hurting its reputation among the resellers as the last mentioned always understand the situation that Ingram Micro is simply dependent on how much commodities they can need at any given time. On the aspect of company operations, we can say that Ingram Micro has situated costs of operations on its employees salaries, arrangement with address companies like FedEx and UPS and the maintenance of network systems and warehouse taxation payments.Variable costs may include the cost of technology products for system upgrade, repairs and some unwanted delivery errors charged to the companys accounts. To illustrate Ingram Micros profit maximization, a study on revenue and cost balances can be used. Profit maximization is attained when the marginal revenue starts to stir with marginal cost and projects upward (Wolfram, 2008). Below is a hypothetical data where Ingram Micro is set to pull ahead its profit maximization status.